Who Would Be At Fault?

This is a topic that has current policymakers scratching their heads as on one hand there is a person behind the wheel, but on the other, there is an operating system controlling it. And while I understand there is going to be much debate, it is one where I believe that when the system is under control, then it would fall under that jurisdiction, but when it is human error, than it should be treated as such.
Multiple sources, Such as the San Diego Union Tribune, work to how the complications of who to point the finger will be the biggest delay, if not the piece that holds the widespread public release. In August of 2011, Google’s self driving car logged its first accident, and at first glance it may seem like a bad start, but it has been reported that the accident was caused at human error. The technology is still in the adolescent stage, but maturing rapidly, and in this stage humans have to take over some function that has not been cleared for software control. This factor is what I feel makes all the difference in determining the acceptance of fault or the scapegoat at hand.
One method of ways of handling such incident is having the vehicle itself under a newer form of insurance, that would not only protect the driver from liability if it was an accident under the software control, but also the manufacturer as it would be a separate entity.
Overall as there is time before these will hit the public market, lawmakers can work out the policies as the technology becomes more clear cut, and I feel that this would be much of a hinder on the release, but rather a better form of protection for the claims process in the liability sense.

One thought on “Who Would Be At Fault?

  1. The problem with technology advancing at such a rapid rate is that it puts us humans behind. We don’t really think about how big of an impact each advancement can make or what new insurance or contract policies have to be put in place. This is a great example, we have the technology but we don’t have the proper society and rules set in place to allow the technology to work to it’s full potential. This topic is tricky because a small glitch could cause an accident even if it’s not the software creators fault, I think in order to solve this issue of pointing fingers, self driving cars should have cameras attached to them to properly place the blame on who’s fault the accident is.

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